воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

bateman mineral metal

Lauantai meni tooosi hyvin ilman mit�n suurempaa stressi�. Junnut oli sairaan hyvii ja kaiken lis�ks ne ei ees ollu hirveen pettyneit� siit� sijasta ja seh�n siis oli 3. :D
Eilen m� vaan olin, makasin sohvalla ja katoin telkaria. En ees menny illal ulos, vaik sinne oli tulos paljon porukkaa. Mut ihan hyv� vaan, p�sin aikasin nukkuu. M� oon ollu nyt niiiin v�sysyny, et seki oli ihan kivaa.
T�n� her�sin 7.39, ku puhelin alko soimaan. Sitte unenp�pper�isen� vastasin siihen ja siel oli prismasta se� tet-vastaava. Se sitte sano et m� oon nyt saanu sen tet-paikan ja ett� viikon p�st� perjantaina pit� menn� t�ytt� se tet-sopimus :) JEE. Ei en� stressi� siit�k�n. T�n� n�n Viivin ja sen j�lkee illal viel Siirin ja Lillin.
Nyt m� haluisin treeneihin Mut vast huomenna :(

boston ma station television, bateman mineral metal, bateman lumber, bateman lee peter, bateman kathy.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


I hate worrying about money. But I do it all the time.

Fashionbug.com is having a sale where if you buy one item, you get the second one for 99 cents. I hesitated for an hour or so, thinking it over, but I have two pairs of jeans that desperately need replacing. Both have tears at the bottoms and are worn out really pretty much completely. And I love the last pair of jeans I got from Fashionbug, so I got them. I also got two sweaters (a black and plum one) and two plaid type tops (a green plaid and a red plaid). I saved over $129.00 because the shirts were on sale already. I only had to pay $110 including shipping. However, I am making myself feel bad since I really donapos;t need these items, other than the jeans. It just is such a great deal. I donapos;t know.

I hate being poor. I hate having friends that go out every night of the week and when I tell them Iapos;m not going out, they go "whyyyyyy." Well, because I live across town and have a budget of one night a week funtime. Thats why. And then I think I make them mad, but Iapos;m not going to pretend like its all ok. Business has been slow at Unos; tonight I made $90 but its the first Thursday in awhile that Iapos;ve managed that. Iapos;ll hopefully make at least $50 tomorrow, and $100 on Saturday and another $90-100 on Sunday. Its been such a shitty couple of weeks though; for awhile I was getting $300 direct deposits on top of the cash I walked away with. Now its $200 deposits and less cash than before. Hard.

I need to get serious about finding a better job. This week with the mouse, the persistent cold, and just generally feeling not happy, it was not the week for it. Hopefully next week things will pull together better.
chinker, chinker cross, chinkerinchee, chinkers.

fantastic 4 pc

So it turned out that the radio station actually didnapos;t have anyone to record my piece yesterday, so theyapos;re going to get back in touch next week. *rolls eyes* Stood me up, the bastards.

However. When itapos;s done and I know when itapos;ll be on, Iapos;ll let you know and you can all have a laugh at me.

I do have a recording somewhere of me being semi-coherent about the Domesday Book a couple of years ago if anyone wants to hear that in the meantime though...
fantastic 4 pc.